Wednesday 13 March 2013


Suffice to say, this topic has got me a little fired up.  I do have a great deal of admiration to people who feel called to overseas mission.  It is a big sacrifice to leave their families and go to a place that has a different culture and is potentially unsafe/scary to be a Christian in.  

[As a slight aside my view of missionaries prior to this session was Kevin Costner playing Robin Hood in a prince of thieves...] 

However, I resent the implication that missionaries should be viewed as 'better' Christians because of their specific calling or ministry.  We all, as Christians face conflict and opposition, we all, at times can struggle to balance our faith/church life with family life and we all serve God in whichever unique way we are called to.  When I became a Christian, initially my family were rather against it, they were concerned for my well being and feared that I had become part of a cult/been brainwashed.  I found this really difficult as the two most important things in my life (which they still are) clashed.  I am in no way comparing this to giving up my time and talents to live and support Christians in an area of conflict etc.  But I think it's unfair to put missionaries on a pedal stool when all Christians should (theoretically) be working to grow the kingdom of God, wherever they are.

Now I've finished my rant, I would like to highlight the importance of overseas missionaries for growing the kingdom in other places, I guess after all I am a Christian thanks to the work of missionaries (and would the disciples not be seen as missionaries?).  I think that we are all part of Gods mission and need to live and work towards a greater goal, that is of growinh Gods kingdom on Earth, in unity.     

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